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Christopher Healy books

Christopher Healy
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Read Books by Christopher Healy


The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom (2012)

Fantastic! I laughed out loud many times throughout the book. If I have any fault at all in this book, it's that the climax isn't quite as climactic as I would've hoped. Perhaps I'd just set my expectation too high because the rest of the book was so great. It really is a must-read for anybod...

The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom (2012) by Christopher Healy

The Hero's Guide to Being an Outlaw

It was hidden under a big, hollow rock that rolled easily out of the way with a single shove from Rauber’s foot. “You don’t keep it locked?” Frederic asked. “Don’t need to,” Rauber said. “No one’s going to lay a finger on that rock. Check it out.” He gestured down at a skull and crossbones that w...

The Hero's Guide to Being an Outlaw by Christopher Healy

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