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Christopher Hope books

Christopher Hope
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Read Books by Christopher Hope


Darkest England

And one would not like to encourage similar behaviour, now, would one? Respecting this request was rather difficult, since my fellow guests, when they met me walking in the garden, would contrive to find ways of referring to my friend’s disappearance, and when I replied, as I had been urged, that...

Darkest England by Christopher Hope

My Chocolate Redeemer

My cast of characters on the plage privée are settled, named, content. They’ve not been consulted, I know. But then this is not a democracy. You can tell they like it by their relaxed, easy, affable behaviour; Edith and Alphonse sleep with the sun gleaming in their purple rinses; Wolf is reading ...

My Chocolate Redeemer by Christopher Hope

Kruger's Alp

Perhaps this was the township in which Blanchaille’s friend Miranda had died, but if so he gave no indication of it. And outside this township, beside the usual scrolls of barbed wire so ornate they took on the look of some lean and spiky sculpture, the priest and his housekeeper saw police vans ...

Kruger's Alp by Christopher Hope


When he walked outside he was swept up in crowds chanting ‘Wir sind eine volk!’, which, as he spoke Afrikaans, he understood to mean ‘We are one people!’ But why should they insist on it? he wondered. What else could they be? Jimfish shouldered his way through the jubilant throngs, left the deser...

Jimfish by Christopher Hope

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