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Christopher Yost books

Christopher Yost
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Read Books by Christopher Yost


Ender's Game, Volume 1: Battle School (2009)

Enders game is both a adventurous and captivating book. It tells the story of a young boy name Andrew Wiggs, also know as "Ender", who lives in a futuristic world. Having been invaded twice before, by what are commonly know as "Buggers", Earth now prepares their smartest children to take the posi...

Ender's Game, Volume 1: Battle School (2009) by Christopher Yost

Ender's Game, Volume 2: Command School (2010)

Esta segunda y última entrega supera a la primera, como era de esperar. Pero no sólo en lo previsible, pues esta claro que gran parte de lo mejor del argumento se condensa en esta parte de la historia (el giro final, la mítica escena de las duchas con Bonzo Madrid o la aparición del carismático B...

Ender's Game, Volume 2: Command School (2010) by Christopher Yost

Red Robin, Vol. 1: The Grail (2010)

It is amazing how many things have changed in the last five years for Batman.This trade takes place in a time when Batman was believed dead, because Darkseid had shot him with his omega beams, sending him back in time. This was a glorious time in Batman history, and it very likely many comic fans...

Red Robin, Vol. 1: The Grail (2010) by Christopher Yost

Ender's Game, Vol 1: Battle School (2000)

Primera entrega de la (buena, aún no sé si gran) adaptación de la novela de Orson Scott Card, ahora que el estreno en la gran pantalla se va acercando. Se nota la mano del propio Card en el guión, lo que hace que la historia consiga transmitir muchos de los matices de personalidad de los personaj...

Ender's Game, Vol 1: Battle School (2000) by Christopher Yost

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