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Clare Revell books

Clare Revell
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Read Books by Clare Revell


Tuesday's Child (2012)

She was glad of the change of pace. Perhaps this would call a halt to the images running through her mind’s eye ever since she jerked awake at three AM with a nightmare. “Hey, ready to go?” Vianne looked at her. “Now? Can’t I visit with some of the dolls first?” “We need to get home and put the m...

Tuesday's Child (2012) by Clare Revell

Vegas Vacation (2014)

He shifted his weight, hoping they could go now. He’d noticed the close attention the Brit, Daniel Haynes, was paying her. She constantly referred to him as Blue Suit; even though his suit was brown today. He was still waiting for the report on the guy to come back. Until then he’d make sure he k...

Vegas Vacation (2014) by Clare Revell

Forget-Me-Nots in September (2015)

Both of them had been slashed. He’d checked the house and that was secure and fine. He left a light on in the front room, taking care to pull the curtains. It wouldn’t be dark for an hour or so yet, but better safe than sorry. He stood and headed back over to Gran’s. “I don’t want a leaflet. I’ve...

Forget-Me-Nots in September (2015) by Clare Revell

Gladioli in August (2016)

He reached for the mic. “OK, Achor, what’s going on down there?” “Micah, there’s room for you by the hanger. Just don’t stop on the runway, we need it.” “Sure there is,” he muttered. He put the mic down and somehow managed to land with a good twenty feet less of runway than he usually had. He par...

Gladioli in August (2016) by Clare Revell

Echo-Foxtrot (2015)

The sun was warm on her face and the wind blew her hair everywhere, but she didn’t care. Talking wasn’t going to help. The sooner he yelled at her and got it over with, the better it’d be. She sighed. And today had seemed so good at one point. Sitting in the sunshine and managing to do one thing ...

Echo-Foxtrot (2015) by Clare Revell

A Mummy for Christmas (2015)

“Eat up.” It wasn’t the party he’d hoped for. His father-in-law had been snowed in up north and been unable to come down. His brother had the flu and had stayed away as well. So it had turned into a normal Sunday dinner with just him, Mum, and Haley-Jo. She’d already opened her present and the bl...

A Mummy for Christmas (2015) by Clare Revell

Saturday's Child (2013)

Psalm 22:6   In the cold light of morning, Meggie decided she must have imagined the events of the previous day. Those salt and pepper pots had creeped her out to the extent she was seeing things. After all, demons didn’t really exist in this day and age. Sure, they were in the Bible, but this wa...

Saturday's Child (2013) by Clare Revell

Christmas Eva (2014)

She tugged the blanket tightly around her shoulders as she mentally repeated the chant her father had taught her to quell an oncoming panic attack. She hated the rain. Simply the sound of it hitting the window, or even the shower running, could be enough to trigger a full blown crisis. Not so muc...

Christmas Eva (2014) by Clare Revell

Water Lily in July (2016)

A breeze ruffled his hair as he dropped it over the side. The ones he’d left overnight were empty, which was just as well as he wasn’t heading in for a few days. He’d wasted enough time as it was and time, in his case, was literally money. If he didn’t bring in any fish, he didn’t get paid. He gl...

Water Lily in July (2016) by Clare Revell

Wednesday's Child (2012)

He reached out and slapped the alarm clock. The ringing didn’t stop. Slowly through his sleep fuddled brain, the thought arrived that it was the doorbell. He looked at the clock twice and sighed. Maybe whoever it was would go away. The bell kept ringing. Maybe not. He got up and grabbed his robe,...

Wednesday's Child (2012) by Clare Revell

An Aussie Christmas Angel (2012)

What do I wear? Where’s he taking me? What if his coach crashes on the way back to the city, and we never have this time together? Lord, I put this whole thing into Your hands. Though I guess I have to pick my own outfit, don’t I? She looked at the closet and sighed. Did she go formal or casual o...

An Aussie Christmas Angel (2012) by Clare Revell

Thursday's Child (2013)

They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. ~ Isaiah 40:30-31   Dressed in her black gown and white wig, Niamh Harkin sat in Crown Court number three and sent up a prayer that she would do her best and that justice would be done. As seni...

Thursday's Child (2013) by Clare Revell

November-Charlie (2015)

As usual, they went to church and had roast for dinner. Once again, Lou offered to do the dishes, which was followed by another game of, as the girls termed it, “Cheats.” This time they got no further than dealing the cards and setting up the board. Jim opened the notebook to a clean page and def...

November-Charlie (2015) by Clare Revell

Fairytale of Headley Cross (2013)

I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” ~Mark 2:17   Christmas music played from the café radio as one of the baristas stood on a stool hanging tinsel decorations from the ceiling. There was no doubt as to the time of year, even if Maggie Turner’s job as a primary school teacher would let...

Fairytale of Headley Cross (2013) by Clare Revell

Roses in June

“I told you why I fired Mrs. Barratt last night. The police have arrested her. It’s out of my hands. She’s been charged with conspiracy to commit murder, theft, and whatever else I can think of. Once they arrest Damon, he’ll face similar charges.”He set his cup down. “Your dislike of Dawn is spre...

Roses in June by Clare Revell

Carnations in January (2015)

He wasn’t sure he’d heard right. “After you said that, she said what?” Joel looked uncomfortable and shifted on the chair beside the bed. “I was trying to tell her it was relatives only and all—I don’t know why I was even talking to her anyway. It was her house you were working on when this happe...

Carnations in January (2015) by Clare Revell

Daffodils in March (2016)

Her first week had flown by, and she’d enjoyed every minute of it. Well, almost. David had tried to make it as uncomfortable as possible, but she wasn’t going to let him win. She watched Hanna pack, dutifully listening as her friend listed the same things over and over. “And he hates carrots,” Ha...

Daffodils in March (2016) by Clare Revell

Turned (2014)

“How much longer do we have to sit here?” “I have no idea. Until the doc says you’re good to go, we have to stay put. I really am sorry.” “Stop apologizing. If I got a quid for every time you’ve done that in the last hour or so, I’d be able to retire.” “Sorry.” “Stop it. You did what you had to d...

Turned (2014) by Clare Revell

Sunday's Child (2014)

It had been a month and she still couldn’t get Cal Trant out of her mind. What was it about the former footballer that held her attention after so long? There was no chance she’d see him again, not unless he rebooked for next year. And even then, Steve would prevent her seeing him. He’d probably ...

Sunday's Child (2014) by Clare Revell

Lily of the Valley in May (2016)

A pungent odor of sewage and wet earth hung over the area. Lord God, be with those buried under here. Help me find Faith, please. Hands trembling, he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his phone. He expected it to be broken or not have a signal. Relief filled him when neither of those ...

Lily of the Valley in May (2016) by Clare Revell

After the Fire (2012)

He had dreaded this question since he first took the job at Jones Associates and realized she worked for the same firm. He had done his best to avoid company functions in case he ran into her. Being deliberately paired with her wasn’t something he’d planned or wanted. Lord, if this is Your idea o...

After the Fire (2012) by Clare Revell

Friday's Child (2013)

The firebox stood open in front of her, papers strewn across the lacquered and stained surface of the table. Behind her, Patrick and Shay talked quietly. Abbie sat watching TV and sniffling. Frustration and helplessness filled her. She’d wanted to go straight to the hospital, but Patrick had refu...

Friday's Child (2013) by Clare Revell

Monday's Child (2012)

Just after six thirty, he got up and showered. He stood under the hot water, letting it pour down on him. His stomach twisted as if he was going to throw up, yet he knew he’d not eaten enough for that. For the first time in his life he understood the term, heartsick. A huge hole, no, make that ch...

Monday's Child (2012) by Clare Revell

Violets in February (2015)

This would take longer than he’d hoped. Five hours on the road and they’d gone a grand total of eighty-five miles. If he’d been able to use the main road he’d have been two-thirds of the way there by now, if not further. Instead, they were just under half way. He glanced over his shoulder and sig...

Violets in February (2015) by Clare Revell

Sweet Peas in April (2016)

He glanced up at her, acting as if the previous lunchtime hadn’t happened. “Morning, Sam.” She did a double take as she walked in and saw the mess he’d made of her desk. Fat chance of getting anything else done this morning, and she had a pile of year-end reports to finish going through before sh...

Sweet Peas in April (2016) by Clare Revell

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