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Cliff McNish books

Cliff McNish
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Read Books by Cliff McNish


Il custode di Freya (2010)

1. First Freya had just came back from the hospital that she had a illness. After she sees a dark angle. She soon finds out that she is an angle. Freya has some duties to for fill. Her duties as an angle isn't easy as she thought. 2. I choose this book because when I saw the cover it seemed ...

Il custode di Freya (2010) by Cliff McNish

Savannah Grey. Cliff McNish (2011)

"Savannah Grey" is an entertaining and creepy YA horror-romance-science-fiction featuring Lovecraftian monsters, plot twists and a fast-paced storyline. The protagonist Savannah is "not like the other girls" in that she has something painful, alien and possibly alive down her throat, something th...

Savannah Grey. Cliff McNish (2011) by Cliff McNish

El olor de la magia (2003)

Raquel puede hacer los más difíciles hechizos, y su hermano Eric tiene la capacidad de anularlos. Gracias a estos poderes, derrotan a la temible bruja Dragwena. Pero ahora Heebra, la madre de Dragwena, busca venganza.

El olor de la magia (2003) by Cliff McNish

El maleficio (2003)

Una fuerza misteriosa rapta a Raquel y Eric y los arroja a otro mundo. Como miles de niños antes que ellos, los dos hermanos han sido secuestrados por la Bruja para ser convertidos en siervos obedientes. Pero ahora la Bruja se ha encontrado con un verdadero rival. Traducido a catorce idiomas.

El maleficio (2003) by Cliff McNish

The Hunting Ground

They tucked him in darkness. They shrouded his body, pinched him inside and lost him forever. Dad had no idea what he was facing here, so he did what any decent man would have done in the same situation. He raised his torch. He kept the sharp-edged plank ready. He called out for his son. ‘Are you...

The Hunting Ground by Cliff McNish

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