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Conner, Jack books

Conner, Jack
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Read Books by Conner, Jack


Atomic Underworld: Part One

said the bald man. He spoke with a thick brogue, and though he sounded like a well-traveled sort—his voice showing flecks of various accents—there was nothing in that voice to indicate nationality.     “Maybe this time we can chat,” Tavlin said. It seemed an appropriate commen...

Atomic Underworld: Part One by Conner, Jack

The Living Night (Book 2)

Even though the Ambassador had united the rebellious factions among the Dark Lord’s flock, there continued to be major problems. Information still leaked to Subaire. Francois had supposedly ordered the leaks to plug themselves, having told them that Roche had infiltrated the network of spies and ...

The Living Night (Book 2) by Conner, Jack

The War of the Moonstone: an Epic Fantasy

The roof of this chamber had collapsed long ago, and so the sun beat down on his bare shoulders and sweated beaded in the hairs of his chest. Between his jaws he clamped a pipe, and he smoked on it contentedly as Hanen, his second-in-command, gave his report. “The last fifty yards is giving them ...

The War of the Moonstone: an Epic Fantasy by Conner, Jack

The Living Night (Book 1)

Byron flung open the rear doors and Cloire lowered the wooden ramp. Byron hopped on a black Honda and Kilian took his Harley. The engines screamed in the close confines, then the bikes were away, sliding backwards down the ramp. Once on the street, they tore forwards along both sides of the van. ...

The Living Night (Book 1) by Conner, Jack

Empire of the Worm

The tunnels were more crowded than ever, and there was a constant hustle and bustle—so much so that he and Wesrai had to shoulder their way through the tight confines. Davril labored for breath by the time he reached the main warren. “I think we need to petition the Aves for more space,” Davril s...

Empire of the Worm by Conner, Jack

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