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Connors, Meggan books

Connors, Meggan
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Read Books by Connors, Meggan


Highland Sons: The Mackay Saga

“‘Twas foolish to aid the laird in rescuing the bairn.” She tossed the woody stem onto a pile, then stared at Kenzie, her hands on her hips and eyebrows raised. “Did you even consider what the villagers would think? You might believe the Mackay clan bodes you no ill will, but you’d be wrong.” Her...

Highland Sons: The Mackay Saga by Connors, Meggan

Jessie's War (Civil War Steam)

He looked at the wikiup Ewepu So’wina’ had insisted they use, where his reluctant bride waited. Since their arrival in the village, he’d not had the chance to speak to her but fleetingly—nothing more than a nod, or a hello, or a smile. He’d been kept with Ewepu So’wina’ and Cheveyo, and he was gr...

Jessie's War (Civil War Steam) by Connors, Meggan

The Marker

Memories of Nicholas’s kisses flooded her, and her body ached, hot and hungry.     Rising, Lexie rummaged through in her compact wardrobe. She considered putting on her maid uniform, but after last night, she wasn’t sure she wanted Nicholas to view her as his servant, so she p...

The Marker by Connors, Meggan

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