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Crystal Cierlak books

Crystal Cierlak
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Read Books by Crystal Cierlak


Sinful Reunion

Natalie hadn’t taken a proper vacation in years, let alone a weekend trip one 45 minute plane ride away. The minute she agreed Quinn made her promise not to plan a single thing. No looking up show or hotel reviews, no pre-planned adventures whatsoever. It was difficult for Natalie; she wasn’t use...

Sinful Reunion by Crystal Cierlak

The Romance of Nick and Layla (Parts 1-3)

Maybe Nick and I should just move here. There’s so much happening all at once. And it’s not as culturally flat as Los Angeles. It’d definitely be something to discuss over dinner tonight. After last night’s fiasco at the restaurant, not to mention seeing our faces plastered everywhere this mornin...

The Romance of Nick and Layla (Parts 1-3) by Crystal Cierlak

Candidate Four

Her curiosity had pecked at her the entire afternoon and by the time five o’clock came around she all but pounced on Quinn for information. “I usually am anyway,” Natalie admitted. “But yes, I promise.”Quinn took a long but delicate sip from her own martini glass and then set it on the bar. She l...

Candidate Four by Crystal Cierlak

Beyond Ruin

He was sitting at his desk, one hand frozen hovering just above the keyboard of his computer, the other hand propping up his unshaven chin."Mister Fitzgerald, you asked me to inform you when the pilot called? He called.""Thank you, Alice," James intoned before clearing his throat and shuffling pa...

Beyond Ruin by Crystal Cierlak

Zoe Thanatos

They bypassed the Royal Transport Station and arrived at the private gate used exclusively by those who lived in the royal residence. Two Transport Engineers sat behind a glass wall interface while two Crown Soldiers opened the doors of the entryway leading to the Throne Room. It took a moment fo...

Zoe Thanatos by Crystal Cierlak

Secret Desires

"I- What do you mean?""It's against company policy for you to date a client. I'm a client. How long do you think this can last?"A lump formed in Natalie's throat, and when she tried to swallow it down it felt like a ball of sandpaper. She didn't know if by 'this' he meant keeping their relationsh...

Secret Desires by Crystal Cierlak

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