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D. F. Jones books

D. F. Jones
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Read Books by D. F. Jones


Earth Has Been Found

  By Western standards the conference room bordered on the archaic. Deep, claret-colored brocade lined the walls, enlivened by ornate gilded mirrors, spotty with age. Doors, windows, and baseboards were white, the carpet gold and cream; the curtains matched the brocade. The two pictures were on o...

Earth Has Been Found by D. F. Jones


Forbin watched on the monitor in the aide’s office and was quite impressed. The President summoned up strength from some hidden reserve and gave a fine and apparently sincere performance. Forbin was at a loss to decide how genuine the President was, apart from the story itself, but those actually...

Colossus by D. F. Jones

Fall of Colossus

She got up tired, and her husband’s solicitous inquiries did nothing for her frayed nerves.“I’m all right, Charles!” Her anger blazed: “I’ve just had a bad night—that’s all!” His hurt expression made her immediately relent. “I’m sorry, darling. Don’t worry—we women get like this at times.”Forbin,...

Fall of Colossus by D. F. Jones

Colossus and Crab

No nightmare remembrances of Mars or the Martians in any form whatever; no vision of a nuclear missile plunging straight for him. Nothing.Something had happened. For one, two seconds, he was genuinely at a loss, and then he knew.Angela! He blushed as disjointed memories came back. There’d been ta...

Colossus and Crab by D. F. Jones

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