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Dani-Lyn Alexander books

Dani-Lyn Alexander
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Read Books by Dani-Lyn Alexander


The New Year's Wish

Garrett pulled a tray from the oven and placed it on top of the stove. He put the next tray in and closed the oven door. He didn’t usually have his family for both Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, but his mother didn’t like to travel too far, and the rest of his siblings lived out of town. His sis...

The New Year's Wish by Dani-Lyn Alexander

Reluctant Prince

“Ryleigh!”     Not even Mia’s terror could break the paralysis gripping Ryleigh. Her gaze jumped wildly between the lunatic moving toward her and the three monsters apparently under his control. Fear clutched her heart, squeezed her lungs.     The beasts we...

Reluctant Prince by Dani-Lyn Alexander

Lost Princess

This wasn’t so bad. She forced her tense muscles to unknot. It was almost like riding on Nahara. Almost. Snuggling down into Nahara’s soft fur brought a sense of comfort and security the sleek dragon did not.     Kalayah undulated beneath her.     Ryleigh t...

Lost Princess by Dani-Lyn Alexander

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