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Daniel Suarez books

Daniel Suarez
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4.15 of 5 Votes: 2
Books: 4 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.21

Read Books by Daniel Suarez


Influx (2014)

Pay no attention to the cover art! This was a great techno thriller, and one of the finalists in the SCI-Fi category for goodreads best books of 2014. It was very enjoyable, although perhaps not really thrilling. And a lot of the science came in huge waves of dialogue that was difficult to get t...

Influx (2014) by Daniel Suarez

Kill Decision (2012)

In "Kill Decision" the driving theme is one of terrorism: anonymous haters destroying things out of a malice that is at best dimly understood. Destroying by way of autonomous "drones" programmed with encoded rules enabling them to make their own 'Kill Decision'. The terrifying behaviors seen in H...

Kill Decision (2012) by Daniel Suarez

Daemon (2006)

2.5, probably, and I regularly give 3 to books I enjoy despite their flaws, so keep that in mind. As much as I loved it as a thought experiment on how the world might end, I kept being yanked out of the story by the fact that women were either "sexy" or "easily ignored," that all the "heroes" wer...

Daemon (2006) by Daniel Suarez


He studied the darkness around him. Stars provided the only light, but the fourth-generation white-phosphor night vision integrated into his helmet gave him a high-contrast black-and-white view of his surroundings. He preferred to remain enveloped in darkness like this when traveling at night. No...

Freedom by Daniel Suarez

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