This book is absolutely amazing. I bought this book at Barnes & Noble for a really good price, and read it in about 2-3 hours. It's faced paced, with no slow parts. If you like the idea of violence and demons, this book will deliver that nonstop. The Merciless follows the story of Sofia, a girl ...
First I just tougth this was like psyco mean girls... but it was better than I expected 4.5 stars. Thoroughly enjoyed, recommend it to those who like horror/gore.
Zitat:„Ihre Worte entzünden eine Wärme in mir, die wie ein Streichholz flackert. Ich bin eine von ihnen.“(S.31)„Die oberste Stufe der Treppe stöhnt: noch ein Schritt. Da draußen ist jemand.“(S.87)„Zwischen uns breitet sich eine unangenehme Stille aus, die nur von den Flammen durchbrochen wird, di...
THE RUNGS chill my fingers even though the day’s heat still lingers in the air. “Gross,” I say. “It smells like fish.” “It’s an adventure.” Julie climbs onto the ladder above me. Her Doc Martens combat boots clank on the rungs, making the entire lad...
Barefoot. I don’t know how much time has passed, or how I got here. Dead grass crunches beneath my feet. My toes look almost blue, but I don’t feel cold. I don’t feel anything. Moonlight illuminates the trees, casting shadows across the ground. The shadows look like they’re moving, reaching for m...