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Dave Gross books

Dave Gross
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Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.08

Read Books by Dave Gross


Prince of Wolves (2010)

Really fun book for my first jaunt into the Pathfinder Tales line. The author does a great job staying true to the RPG roots of the setting. While at the same time writing a thought out compelling story. I read a lot of Dragonlance years ago and I don't remember if they used game mechanics as ob...

Prince of Wolves (2010) by Dave Gross

Pathfinder Tales: Lord of Runes

They did not distract me so much as serve as a reminder that I was not alone, despite my growing fear of solitude in a world I only now began to realize I never understood. Combined with the Kardosian Codex, the Bone Grimoire offered me a surprising new perspective on the continuum of life and de...

Pathfinder Tales: Lord of Runes by Dave Gross

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