2.5/5 ROUNDED UP FOR AMBITIONAn overly cumbersome book which is too much work to enjoy (for me right now), let alone complete.Nice maps, but no character glossary. The first 100 pages: stuffed chock full of side characters, three main characters, floating points of view, a dozen cities on two con...
Mat had taken very little, just his taiaha, because you never knew if you might need one in Aotearoa, and a tracksuit to throw on if it got cold. He met Lena beside the old clocktower, her eyes gleaming in the morning sun. Her newly short hair looked like it had been trimmed and tidied by a profe...
It is upon rivers and lakes that man has learned to float and to sail, and indeed, riverboats have provided the model for windships. Rivers have been the arteries of trade on Urte for centuries, and more goods are shipped on any major river than all of the windfleets together.ORDO COSTRUO COLLEGI...
One God, with many faces. If we can reconcile ourselves to this fact, then there will be peace in all of Ahmedhassa. You will note I exclude the God of the Kore, for this Corineus is merely a fabrication of Shaitan to justify the powers of these afreet they call Magi. IMAM ALI-ZAYIN, HERETICAL GO...
His mouth felt dry and sour, as if he hadn’t brushed his teeth for days. Maybe he hadn’t. Then came smell. Sea air, and wet concrete. He opened his eyes to a bright glare. His body ached everywhere. He was wrapped in his coat, propped against the side of one of the gun emplacements, in the approa...
The Inquisition came later, when Arch-Prelate Acronius won the right to hunt down heresy within the empire. On one side the protectors, on the other the hounds. The relationship between the two has been fractious, to say the least. ANTONIN MEIROS, ORDO COSTRUO, HEBUSALIM 742 Emirate of Lybis, Ja...
They packed their antique weaponry into kitbags and stowed themselves in a small cabin. ‘You don’t have to come,’ Wiri patted Kelly’s belly. ‘Maybe if you got some rest … ?’ She looked at him with tired yet determined eyes. ‘Nice try, mate,’ she drawled. ‘I snatched a few ...
What a thing it is, this wonder Antonin Meiros wrought! To stand upon that span, hundreds of miles from land, is the stuff of dreams. If I close my eyes, I can still hear the waters roar and feel the thrumming of the stone beneath my feet. I have seen wonders, palaces and Dom-al’Ahms and holy pla...
Evie texted her folks and then Carly, just <I’m fine at friends home Sun Mon. Sorry>. Then she switched off to avoid getting a call and tirade from Mum or Dad. Mat and Damien seemed to be doing much the same, although it took them longer — perhaps they had bigger friendship circles than she...