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David I. Kertzer books

David I. Kertzer
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Read Books by David I. Kertzer


Prisoner of the Vatican: The Popes, the Kings, and Garibaldi's Rebels in the Struggle to Rule Modern Italy (2006)

First, let me say that unless you are totally enthralled by history (like I am!), you may not want to read this. This is not an historical novel, it is not a folksy history; it is definitely an intense historical look at the papal reigns of Pius IX and Leo XIII as well as the unification of Italy...

Prisoner of the Vatican: The Popes, the Kings, and Garibaldi's Rebels in the Struggle to Rule Modern Italy (2006) by David I. Kertzer

The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara (1998)

In reading The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara by David Kertzer, readers might find it difficult to not shake their heads in utter disbelief, for it elicited that reaction in me. Nominated for the National Book Award, The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara tells the compelling if not disturbing true sto...

The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara (1998) by David I. Kertzer

Prisoner of the Vatican

The Bishops' Lament ON JULY 20,1887, Leo XIII instructed his secretary of state to arrange for a secret mission. The man they chose for the delicate task, the thirty-two-year-old Monsignor Giacomo Delia Chiesa, was not coincidentally a close friend and protégé of Rampolla. Having recently served ...

Prisoner of the Vatican by David I. Kertzer

The Pope and Mussolini

The most prominent came in the summer with the Fascist assault on Giovanni Amendola, leader of the Liberals in parliament, who had already suffered a Fascist beating. He died of his injuries several months later.3Recognizing the value of continued strong Vatican support, Mussolini looked for ways...

The Pope and Mussolini by David I. Kertzer

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