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David Thompson books

David Thompson
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Read Books by David Thompson


Bar Girl

She just knew she had to get away.     Even as she walked along the dusty road clutching her small bundle of belongs, she could hear the voice of her mother. The condemnation. The spite. Their relationship was over. The mother despised the daughter.     Sis...

Bar Girl by David Thompson

Talking at the Woodpile (2011)

After his stove full of stolen firewood exploded, he started to attend church regularly and got married.     Neil and his wife Faith could be seen Sunday mornings, rain or shine, headed to St. Paul’s Church with Bible in hand. Faith was the youngest of seven sisters born and r...

Talking at the Woodpile (2011) by David Thompson


The gully quickly filled. It often did when rain was heavy. Usually it rose to a gap near the bottom and was channeled out and over the adjacent ground before the bottom was covered. This time the rain came down so hard and so fast that the level rose more swiftly than it ever had, and the gap wa...

Venom by David Thompson

The Scalp Hunters

He thought it strange since by rights he should be dead. He remembered Venom pointing a pistol at him. He’d tried to twist aside, but his reflexes were no match for a bullet. He remembered the blast of the shot, remembered the shock of being hit. Then he was falling and the ground rushed up to me...

The Scalp Hunters by David Thompson

The Outcast

But instead of stabbing her, he shoved her toward the front door and came after her, pushing her when she didn’t move fast enough to suit him. She almost made a grab for her rifle. The jab of his blade low in her back dissuaded her. Lou blinked in the sudden glare of the sun and paused. He pushed...

The Outcast by David Thompson

Seed of Evil

He sat up with a start. Years ago hostiles had attacked his uncle’s cabin and slain his uncle, and it was a secret fear of his that one day hostiles might try to do the same to him and his loved ones. His hand went to the small table beside the bed, groping for his pistols. The pounding continued...

Seed of Evil by David Thompson

In Darkest Depths (2008)

Some did as the Nansusequa liked to do and hollowed out logs. Some built frames and covered them with hide. Others preferred bark. Nate King had even heard of a tribe that used planks and sealed the gaps between the planks with pitch.     Some tribes were partial to large cano...

In Darkest Depths (2008) by David Thompson

Fear Weaver (2008)

Nate was the first one up. He quietly slipped out to bury the Blackfoot and covered the mound of earth with rocks to discourage scavengers. Erleen insisted on a big breakfast. Her daughters and Agatha helped cook and bake. They made flap-jacks and oatmeal and toast and corn cakes. Peter remarked ...

Fear Weaver (2008) by David Thompson

Devil Moon

He had never had anything like this happen. He raised his bow and sighted down the arrow at the moving grass. He didn’t see the cat. It must be crouched low. He waited for it to show itself, but it didn’t. Should he stay there and wait the beast out or try and make it to his lodge? He liked the s...

Devil Moon by David Thompson

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