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D.C. Akers books

D.C. Akers
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Read Books by D.C. Akers


A Stranger Magic (2013)

Recently I was given the chance to read an exciting series called Haven by D.C Akers. When it comes to fantasy fiction, I love that I have a very vivid imagination, and I must admit, I love anything that is both strange and different, and I love the beginning of this series. Haven : A Stranger Ma...

A Stranger Magic (2013) by D.C. Akers

Haven: Revenge of the Viper

Her beautiful chestnut hair was tied in a loose ponytail and her face seemed pale. She was exhausted after her long day at work. Sam and Sarah were in the kitchen loading the dishwasher while Travis sat idly on the countertop talking to them. They all turned when they heard the door open.  &...

Haven: Revenge of the Viper by D.C. Akers

Haven [1] A Stranger Magic

Travis was still rambling as Sam headed for the rosebushes, like always. Every day the paper guy would throw the newspaper into the rosebush, so it was a real chore to try to get it out. Sam was pretty sure the paper guy did it on purpose to get back at Sam’s mother for turning him down when he o...

Haven [1] A Stranger Magic by D.C. Akers

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