Dr. Wilson had managed to scrounge up enough laudanum to put the man into a semi-conscious state. Thank God. The last thing Sofie wanted was to cause any of the patients additional pain with her bumbling attempts at playing doctor. But she had no choice. Dr. Wilson's instructions had been e...
She’d have been safer downing an entire pot of coffee and staving off sleep entirely, because this level of exhaustion was a surefire prelude to one hell of a nightmare. In other words, empathically speaking, she was at her most vulnerable while sleeping. She’d become a control freak in her missi...
"We ain't open yet," a woman's husky voice called. "Come back later." Cole wedged his boot in the door as she tried to close it. "I'm looking for someone," he said, hoping he wouldn't need the rifle he held close against his leg where it wouldn't be easily noticed. But he would use...
It was early for visitors, so she peeked out the window. Seeing Brady with a bulging pouch, she immediately opened the front door and showed him into the parlor. "Here, Brady, let me help you." She reached for the pouch, but Brady clutched it close, shaking his head. "No, but thank you kindly, la...