Sebenernya pengen ngasih 3,5 bintang, tapi saya putuskan 3 bintang saja sudah cukup. Buku ini menceritakan tentang time travel yang dialami oleh Ali atau Aileanna Graham yang seorang paramedis merangkap fotomodel freelance. Suatu hari Ali nerima job untuk foto di sebuah tempat di Scotlandia. Tapi...
Review for King of the Isles – Debbie MazzucaA series that started off as a promising fantasy, with a little romance thrown in, was ruined by the third installment.The first two books in the series, Lord of the Isles and Warrior of the Isles, introduced the reader to a world where reality and fan...
There would be no humiliating tests, no aspersions cast against her strength or her abilities. She would be Queen of the Isles. A niggling of guilt slipped inside the bubble of her happiness that her life-long dream had come about as a result of her father’s death. She still had a hard time belie...
Far below, the placid azure pools twinkled in the noonday sun, and the thick verdant forest of ancient oaks met the tall swaying grasses of meadow’s dotted with purple and white flowers. Syrena surveyed her kingdom—her father’s kingdom, she corrected—with pride. Surely no other realm was as beaut...