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Deborah J. Ross books

Deborah J. Ross
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Read Books by Deborah J. Ross


The Seven-Petaled Shield

She dared not delay too long, lest someone in Jaxar’s household, perhaps Jaxar himself, realize she was gone. For all she knew, the Qr priest and his fellows, aided by the Elite Guard, were still searching for her. Once again, she was able to lose herself in the celebration. Merrymaking continued...

The Seven-Petaled Shield by Deborah J. Ross


Only Dharvarath stayed behind, saying he had seen enough madness brought about by dwellers-in-stone. The pairs of supplicants, the Isarrans and Danar and Zevaron, followed solemnly. As the party passed through the encampment, they caused ripples of excitement. Overnight, word of their mission had...

Shannivar by Deborah J. Ross


Eril wasn’t sure of the exact moment Kithri fell asleep and her muscles went from tense to buttery under his fingertips. Her breathing became soft and regular. Soon he too drifted off, one hand flung across her back. His body grew warm and heavy, so heavy...     So heavy, grav...

Jaydium by Deborah J. Ross

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