This sequel to "The Temple and the Stone" features the Knights Templar, medieval warrior monks with magical powers. In 1306, as Edward I of England challenges Scottish freedom fighters and France's Philip IV usurps control of the papacy, both kings are puppets of the Order of the Black Swan. The ...
The Knights Templar was a military order founded during the time of the crusades to protect pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. Legend endows the Templars with magical powers with which they are said to have altered the course of history. "The Temple and the Crown" picks up in 1306 with the crow...
Imagine a Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys mystery with all the delightfully cheesy trappings, set in Scotland with lots of occult bits. That is the basic description of Katherine Kurtz's "The Adept," a stately supernatural thriller that seems to be gleefully rolling in cars, kilts, gentrified upper-crust c...
Third installment in the Adept series by Kurtz & Harris, this one is decidely much better than the previous two. Maybe it's because I have a great interest in the Knights Templar, in occult fiction and I'm a sucker for stories of arcane knowledge, but I really enjoyed this book.Our Huntsment frie...
Psychiatrist Adam Sinclair, also known as the Adept, leads his loyal Huntsmen against the Lodge of the Lynx--an unholy sect in possession of an ancient Druidic artifact endowed with unimaginable power.