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Dee Williams books

Dee  Williams
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Read Books by Dee Williams


The Big Tiny: A Built-It-Myself Memoir (2014)

Dee Williams, at the young age of forty-one was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. After receiving her diagnosis she took stock of her life, reevaluating priorities, her possessions and what matters the most. She decides to embark on building an 84 square foot house mounted on a trailer, co...

The Big Tiny: A Built-It-Myself Memoir (2014) by Dee  Williams

A Moment to Remember

After that first evening Milly decided to take a towel along to dry Jane’s feet, but it took a lot of persuading before she would have a paddle herself. It did look very tempting, but she was reluctant to remove her shoes and stockings in front of Richard. After plenty of coaxing from Jane and Ri...

A Moment to Remember by Dee  Williams

Wishes and Tears (2012)

At first she had been hurt and upset that there hadn’t been any word from Trevor, but she knew she had to accept that his part in her life was now over, and was surprised how easy it was getting to live without him. Having Trevor around had always been a hit-and-miss affair. Some nights she would...

Wishes and Tears (2012) by Dee  Williams

A Rare Ruby

‘Who did that?’ she screamed. Florrie looked up. ‘What’s upset our little gel then?’ ‘I’ve just been out for a pee and someone’s gone and chucked me finished ironing about.’ ‘Now who would do a fing like that? It must’a fell on the floor and someone picked it up. I must say they wasn’t very caref...

A Rare Ruby by Dee  Williams

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