بهتره درباره نویسنده چیزی نخونید و بعد از تموم کردم کتاب مشخصات نویسنده رو ببینید. اون وقت هست که حسابی متعجب میشید وقتی میفهمید این کتاب رو یه نویسنده قرن هجدهمی نوشته. اگر اهل خوندن کتابهای ایتالو کالوینو بوده باشید احتمالاً نوع نوشتار و زبان راویان کتاب شما رو یاد کتابهای این نویسنده میند...
In his brilliant and witty dialogue, Denis Diderot invents a chance encounter in a Paris cafe between two acquaintances. Their talk ranges broadly across art, music, education, and the contemporary scene, as the nephew of composer Rameau, amoral and bohemian, alternately shocks and amuses the mor...
Many critics have assumed that Jacques is about fatalism, that it is an exploration in fictional terms of philosophical issues raised by Diderot’s materialist view of the world – a view which requires the universe to be explained exclusively in terms of matter, its properties and activity. Didero...
As an author, he is now remembered for his Dialogues sur le commerce des blés (Dialogues on the Trade in Corn, 1770) and for his correspondence with Mme d’Épinay. The ‘stories’ referred to here are recollections of verbal performances, recounted with relish by Diderot in his letters to Sophie Vol...