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Denise Dietz books

Denise Dietz
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Read Books by Denise Dietz


Footprints in the Butter: An Ingrid Beaumont Mystery Co-Starring Hitchcock the Dog (1999)

Knock, Knock. Who's Dead? Ingrid Beaumont, flaky but prolific songwriter for B-movie soundtracks, attends her Denver high school reunion for a wild night of fun and good times. However, the morning-after hangover proves sobering indeed when the news of the murder of Wylie Jamestone, a popular loc...

Footprints in the Butter: An Ingrid Beaumont Mystery Co-Starring Hitchcock the Dog (1999) by Denise Dietz

Footprints in the Butter (2010)

Hitchcock decided this was a fun game. He duplicated the position of our rumps and let loose with doggie gas that sounded like human burps and smelled like moo goo gai pan. Rising, I extended my first finger. “Look, Hitchcock, there’s a cat. Chase the cat.” My gullible mutt bounded toward the kit...

Footprints in the Butter (2010) by Denise Dietz

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