We kept half a dozen elderly hens in a clearing in the wood, protected from foxes and badgers by high wire netting, the bottom of which was buried in the ground. Nothing could jump over or dig under. But a cat could claw up a tree, leap on to the roof of the chicken house, then drop into the run ...
He saw a sale in the offing. ‘Come in,’ he said jovially from behind the bar, ‘have a drink. What’ll you have, Mrs Tangye?’ Mr Teague, or Roy as he now insisted on us calling him, was in the fortunate position of being able to do his bargaining on his own licensed premises. Sales could be conduct...
Three and four times a day Jeannie and I inspected the land which Tommy Williams had planted with one and a half tons of seed – the small meadows he had cut out of the top of the cliff, and the upper part of the cemetery field. The sight fascinated us. We stood and stared at the dark green leaves...