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Dimon, HelenKay books

Dimon, HelenKay
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Read Books by Dimon, HelenKay



The confrontation had been rocky, bordering on humiliating, as expected, but she wasn’t dead. She wouldn’t have been surprised if he pulled out a knife or gun and made her beg for her life. Not after he promised to destroy her all those months ago.     His claims about not dea...

Mercy by Dimon, HelenKay

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Another minute or two of Linc’s calm conversation, and she’d throw up on his shoes. A pregnant woman could only take so much excitement, and having Linc land on her doorstep went way over the line of what she could handle before her head exploded. She wanted peace and some time to think. She’d le...

Baby, It's Cold Outside by Dimon, HelenKay

It's Not Christmas Without You (The Holloway Series)

The lights, the cookies, the holiday spirit, the cookies, the carols…the cookies. She’d spent every holiday of the last twenty-six years in Holloway, West Virginia, the small town a few miles from the Maryland border where she grew up and her parents and brother still lived. She planned on breaki...

It's Not Christmas Without You (The Holloway Series) by Dimon, HelenKay

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