Mistress of the Night is the second title in this Forgotten Realms novel series that focuses specifically on priests, the popular D&D iconic class also known as clerics. Each title chronicles priests loyal to a different deity in the Forgotten Realms pantheon. Like the preceding series The Rogues...
Sealed away for ages, a forgotten horror reaches out for new power. Three heroes know the danger. In the City of Towers, a tormented mystic and a soldier-wizard try to thwart a monstrous scheme. In the Shadow Marches, a disgraced warrior summons an ancient sect to battle. As a dragon rises, can...
The first book in a series of dark tales and high adventure in the "Eberron"(TM) campaign setting. "The Binding Stone "features the brandnew races that were created specifically for the Eberron campaign setting. It's also the first Eberron novel to takes its readers on an exploration of many ...
She climbed to her feet and walked unsteadily to the wall. Ashi nodded without taking her eyes from the gap. It was Midian. There was no mistaking his voice, though she could pick out no sign of the gnome in the darkness. Her heart was beating faster. If Midian had made it out of the valley, ther...
“Have a look at what I found,” he said. The halfling held out a dagger, a fine weapon long enough that it verged on being a short sword. The steel blade had acquired a fine sheen from long and careful honing, but faint and elegant curves of Elven script inlaid into the metal were still visible cl...
At times he’d been surrounded by friends, and at other times by enemies. Occasionally, he’d been surrounded by family, which was almost as bad as being surrounded by enemies. He’d run through the vineyards of his youth in the sun, studied by lantern light in the libraries of ...
"He'll do it," he said. Singe's hollow belly shrank even further. He felt Ashi's hand, still on his arm tighten sharply. Dah'mir swept his arms wide, his voice full of a terrible joy. "A spectacle!" he declared. "Here before the mound. To celebrate my return!" "Varda!" shouted Breff, translating ...
On the one hand, he felt very small and very humbled. The wizened goblin had saved his life. Now he was her beast of burden, guided by her taps, and sometimes her punches, on the side of his head. He strode along streets not knowing when Pradoor would catch some clue—a familiar odor or sou...
“Us.” Whatever the shifter and his group had done to provoke the varags’ hunt—and Midian had a feeling it wouldn’t have taken much—it had left the way clear for the pair of them to follow without fear. Every varag in the area seemed to have been drawn int...
Ekhaas’s raw magic had healed the worst of his wounds, but there was still pain. His head still ached and Lor hadn’t been gentle in stripping and binding him—it was a miracle the ogre hadn’t damaged his gauntlet. Probably the worst, though, were the tiny tugs and sharp...