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Doug Fine books

Doug Fine
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.19

Read Books by Doug Fine


Farewell, My Subaru: An Epic Adventure in Local Living (2008)

I wouldn't say it was epic, but it was interesting and I was excited to hear about someone just going for it. I have a few how-to books written by folks that have been living green lifestyles for 40 + yrs and so it was nice to just hear the story of someone trying to get started in the lifestyle....

Farewell, My Subaru: An Epic Adventure in Local Living (2008) by Doug Fine

Hemp Bound (2014)

Two Words: Dual Cropping I asked experts from four continents what advice they would give to nascent American hemp entrepreneurs, and while their tips were diverse and sometimes contradictory (they were, after all, advising future competitors), the phrase dual cropping invariably came up.  &...

Hemp Bound (2014) by Doug Fine

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