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Elaine Orr
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Read Books by Elaine Orr


Searching for Secrets

Orr   This ebook edition is licensed for your personal use only. This ebook may not be sold or given to other people. If you would like to share this book with others, please purchase an additional copy for each person. Thank you for respecting the author's work.   Discover other books, novellas,...

Searching for Secrets by Elaine Orr

Appraisal for Murder

It was scheduled for Monday and would be open to the public; according to George Winters’ article, the hearing would be “the first time Ocean Alley Press readers learn the facts and issues of the case.” Most of the article repeated the circumstances of Mrs. Riordan’s death, but this time Winters ...

Appraisal for Murder by Elaine Orr

Elaine Orr - Jolie Gentil 05 - Trouble on the Doorstep

George was sitting at the kitchen table looking at the story he’d written for that morning’s paper. Alicia had told him in no uncertain terms that he was wrong about the number of hotdogs the winner had eaten.     “Forty-one for the winner,” I said. I was breaking up spaghetti...

Elaine Orr - Jolie Gentil 05 - Trouble on the Doorstep by Elaine Orr

Elaine Orr - Jolie Gentil 00.5 - Jolie and Scoobie High School Misadventures

I didn’t have to worry too much about homework, since the only thing that took a lot of time was geometry, and I had decided to flunk it. Part of me knew I was only hurting myself, but the part that was really, really ticked off at my parents knew they would mind a lot. Or maybe they wouldn’t car...

Elaine Orr - Jolie Gentil 00.5 - Jolie and Scoobie High School Misadventures by Elaine Orr

From Newsprint to Footprints: A River's Edge Cozy Mystery (River's Edge Cozy Mysteries Book 1)

He and my sister-in-law had been about to leave for River's Edge. I said I was doing better than I was this morning and wanted to go to bed early, so they'd be better off staying in Dubuque.     "What did the sheriff want with you?" I asked.     "He wanted ...

From Newsprint to Footprints: A River's Edge Cozy Mystery (River's Edge Cozy Mysteries Book 1) by Elaine Orr

Elaine Orr - Jolie Gentil 02 - Rekindling Motives

I had given up on these, figuring that if they were income from an illegal moonshine business they would be deliberately obscure.     Scoobie’s eyes lit up. “I’m going to play some of these.”     “Play…”?     “The lottery.” He pulled a s...

Elaine Orr - Jolie Gentil 02 - Rekindling Motives by Elaine Orr

Elaine Orr - Jolie Gentil 06 - Behind the Walls

“Jolie, I am really, really sorry about yesterday. The last six months have been so upsetting, and my income’s gone down so much…” her voice trailed off.     I actually wasn’t mad at her. As a citizen of New Jersey or the world, I can refer anyone to any agent I want, but it w...

Elaine Orr - Jolie Gentil 06 - Behind the Walls by Elaine Orr

Elaine Orr - Jolie Gentil 04 - Any Port in a Storm

It usually sits on the oak kitchen table, but Aunt Madge had set it on my bed.     One of the two envelopes was from a company I did not recognize. Gold, Wofford, and King were located in Camden. I thought they were lawyers, because I remembered a television ad about accident ...

Elaine Orr - Jolie Gentil 04 - Any Port in a Storm by Elaine Orr

Elaine Orr - Jolie Gentil 07 - Vague Images

Before I went to sleep last night, I started a to-do list for the fundraiser, and it would give anyone a headache. I had put it aside to finish today.     It also bothered me that I couldn’t dump much of the work on Sergeant Morehouse. He could drum up volunteers for the day o...

Elaine Orr - Jolie Gentil 07 - Vague Images by Elaine Orr

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