In battle's fire, young Jarom became Torin, King of Alson, and now must forge his kingdom from the ruins of an empire. But by recklessly reclaiming the Crimson Sword of Asahiel, Torin reopened a dimensional realm no longer sealed by the power of the Obsidian Key. And now the Illysp have emerged f...
Allion’s eyes lifted from the freshly delivered parchment long enough to take in the stern angle of Rogun’s brow. He would have preferred to have read the message first in private, without the weight of the other’s demanding gaze. But Rogun’s right hand, Commander Zain, had intercepted King Theli...
A small force awaited him at its base. Threescore, four, it was difficult to know. The living, the wounded, the dead—all were interspersed, working to sort themselves, one from the other. His own ranks had been lessened as well. Both of his giants remained, but only ten of...