Sometimes I catch her thoughtfully watching Diana or myself instead of getting on with her own prep, as if she’s weighing us in the balance. There’s no clue in the level line of Rosalind’s mouth as to how the two of us measure up. I try to put her out of my mind, pretty su...
“I always knew you’re not as pure as you like to paint yourself, Miss Prim and Proper.” She has her fairies concealed inside a jar now, with some rose leaves and even a rose hip to keep them company. They look contented enough, as far as you can tell with fairies; one is curled up asleep on a ros...
We have a set of home games against a local High School with an excellent games reputation. My brood of chicks in the lower school distinguish themselves with four goals in the Third Eleven and I feel as proud as if my own child has won an Olympic medal. They have worked themselves half to death ...