Lots to think about in this challenge to a personalized web experience. I have seen the author's TED talk, and brought this subject up to students in my classes. Why is it a big deal if the web morphs into a reflection of my interests? Is it because of the commercial factors? Is it more divisive ...
Malargomentato, supersemplificativo e malcelatamente conservatore. Poche idee trabordanti di paranoia americana per la privacy reiterate per tutto il libro (accompagnate da storielle poco pertinenti) in una grossolana tirata anti-Google/Facebook che finisce per rendere caricaturali anche le poche...
Well, if you want to be terrified about how the web is scooping information about us, stereotyping us, pigeonholing us, basically doing the opposite of what we thought the web was GOING to do for society, then read this book. At the very least, it helps become informed about exactly what we do wh...