A Romance Novel In the tradition of Regency Romance, a poignant and heartrending tale set in the no longer fashionable spa of Tunbridge Wells. Flirtatious Denzell proves a dangerous temptation to Verena’s desire to remain heart-free. Elizabeth Bailey is the author of historical fiction, includin...
The woman she had seen on her first day here was standing halfway to the breakfast table, her dark eyes glued to Lucy’s features. She was heavily pregnant, the protrusion emphasised by the currently fashionable high waistline, and looked even grosser than when Lucy had seen her on the stairs. Her...
Henrietta’s insistence was all too convincing. Only it could not be—the girl must be mistaken. Or was this a manifestation of grief? She wanted her mother to be there, and therefore she saw her. There was another possibility. ‘My dear child, are you sure you did not dream it?’ The question was il...
‘Berinthia?’ he mumbled vaguely. ‘What the devil—?’ ‘Oh, Rupert, wake up, pray,’ begged Miss Flimwell throbbingly. ‘You must go after her at once or all is lost!’ He put up a hand to shade his eyes. ‘Go after her...after whom?’ ‘Pippa, of course. Oh, Rupert, she has gone—run off—eloped!’ ‘What?’ ...
If instinct had made her look into that room just at the wrong moment, then instinct was a curse and a crime. Had she not been crossing the hall precisely then, she would not have heard the Conqueror’s voice and been led by her traitorous feet into disaster. Melinda could not have been more wrong...
Mr. Uddington was a man with a shock of white hair, worn tied back at the nape of his neck, which perhaps made him appear older than his years. He did not come forward immediately upon the tinkle of the bell above the door signalling Ottilia’s entrance, and she wondered if, like Lord Henbury, he ...
The stage, its progression necessarily slow, bumped unevenly as the coachman swerved this way and that in an effort to avoid the worst of the ruts left by the late snow. Even this early in March, pockets of unfrozen white could be seen about the fields beyond the misty window. Wedged in one corne...