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Ellen Miles books

Ellen Miles

Read Books by Ellen Miles


Shadow (2007)

Welcome to the Puppy Place--where every puppy finds a home! Charles and Lizzie Peterson know a lot about puppies. That's because the Petersons are a foster family for young dogs. Someday, they will have a puppy of their own. Until then, they keep busy helping special puppies find homes. When th...

Shadow (2007) by Ellen Miles

Snowball (2006)

Charles and Lizzie Peterson are very good with puppies. They want one of their own, but their mom isn't ready for them to have one full time. For now, they help take care of puppies that need to find a new home. They are a foster family for young dogs.

Snowball (2006) by Ellen Miles

Goldie (2006)

Charles and Lizzie Peterson love puppies. They want a puppy of their own more than just about anything. They know dogs are a lot of work. But their mom still doesn't think their family is ready for a puppy. Then, Goldie arrives. She is a sweet golden retriever who needs a home. Goldie is very yo...

Goldie (2006) by Ellen Miles

Flash (2007)

my favorite part was when everyone found where flashs actual home was. the worst part was when murray and dot dropped off flash at the wrong house. my favorite character was lizzie. there was no worst character. auryn 11 years old, 2014

Flash (2007) by Ellen Miles

Scout (2007)

Welcome to the Puppy Place! This Little Apple series stars a lovable new puppy in every book! And it's Charles and Lizzie Pererson's job to find every puppy the perfect home.Even after Charles and Lizzie Peterson finally have their own puppy, they still foster other dogs and help them find the pe...

Scout (2007) by Ellen Miles


But she knew it would not be right to take Baxter to Caring Paws without telling Elaina. She wished she could put it off, but she knew it had to be done. That night, after dinner, she went to the phone and dialed.     “Hello?” Elaina answered the phone in a flat voice.  &...

Baxter by Ellen Miles

Muttley (2010)

Lizzie yelled as she tossed a raggedy grayish stuffed sheep to Charles. Charles caught the sheep and ran toward the stairs, then spun around and threw the toy back to Lizzie. “Woolly Bully!” he cried. Buddy dashed back and forth between them, scrabbling and skidding on the floor as he tried to ma...

Muttley (2010) by Ellen Miles

Moose (2011)

Charles hung on tightly as Moose charged down the path. “Ouch! Ow! Ooh!” Charles did not let go of the leash, even when rocks scraped his belly and roots banged his elbows. “Moose!” yelled Aunt Amanda. “Down!” Instantly, Moose stopped in his tracks and lay down. “Wow,” Charles said from where he ...

Moose (2011) by Ellen Miles

Cody (2008)

said Lizzie. “It’s like it was meant to be. Cody belongs there. I mean, he’s a Dalmatian! It’s tradition!” Lizzie had been reading all about Dalmatians and their history as “carriage dogs,” who ran alongside horse-drawn fire trucks. “They’ll all love him!” Maria predicted. “Especially now that he...

Cody (2008) by Ellen Miles

Domino (2012)

Mom said when she greeted them at the door. “Take your soggy stuff off in the hallway and then come in for hot chocolate.” Mia and Carmen tromped on the doormat as they pulled off their jackets. Dad gave Mom a kiss as he passed. “Not so fast, mister.” Mom poked Michael in the shoulder before he c...

Domino (2012) by Ellen Miles

Duchess (2011)

Mom said as she lugged the carrier up the stairs of their brownstone building. “She’s a full-grown cat,” Mia said. “Aren’t you, Duchess?” Mia could see the cat’s pretty face through the grate at one end of the big plastic carrier. Her velvety ears were pinned back. “We’re almost there,” Mia reass...

Duchess (2011) by Ellen Miles

Honey (2011)

Instead of worrying about how he was going to tell Noah that he couldn’t keep his promise, Charles had started thinking about the letter he was going to write. As soon as he got home, Charles went to find Honey. “Come on, sweetie,” he said. “I need you for inspiration.” Charles grabbed Mr. Duck a...

Honey (2011) by Ellen Miles

Bandit (2011)

Maria squealed, pushing past Lizzie to run toward Bandit. She plopped down on the floor with him, scooped him up, and nuzzled her nose into his neck. “Ooh, he’s even cuter than I remembered.” Lizzie, still standing at the door, remembered her manners. “Come on in,” she said to Maria’s parents and...

Bandit (2011) by Ellen Miles

Jack (2009)

She played with him, worked on his sit pretty trick, gave him treats, and patted him. At bedtime, Charles took Buddy into his room to sleep, and Dad helped Lizzie bring Jack’s crate upstairs. She got the puppy all settled in, then climbed into her own bed. Jack was much quieter now that he wasn’t...

Jack (2009) by Ellen Miles

Ziggy (2010)

After all the time he had put into trying to find his way home, there he was, back where he had started when he first dug under the fence. Not that it was a bad place. In fact, it was pretty good compared to sleeping under a bush and eating garbage. He had liked the other puppy who lived at this ...

Ziggy (2010) by Ellen Miles

Chewy and Chica (2010)

I can’t believe they all showed up.” Lizzie stared at the crowd gathered in front of PetLove the next morning. Dozens of people and dogs milled around, and more arrived every minute. Lizzie spotted a man peering out the PetLove window. He was wearing a suit jacket over a button-down version of th...

Chewy and Chica (2010) by Ellen Miles


Charles knew it as soon as he woke up the next morning. He could tell by the quiet, muffled sounds from outside like the scrape of snow shovels. There were no traffic noises, just the beeping of a snowplow backing up. He jumped out of bed and ran to the window. Sure enough, snow had fallen all ni...

Cocoa by Ellen Miles


What? Bring in their letters? Nobody had told her she was going to have to display the letter she had gotten from Allyson. How could she do that? If people read Allyson’s letter, they’d find out that Lizzie had made up all sorts of things about herself. She clutched the sides of her desk and groa...

Rocky by Ellen Miles

Sweetie (2010)

Sammy knelt, too, and patted David’s shoulder. Charles stared at them. He felt as if he’d been frozen in a block of ice, like he couldn’t move his hands or feet. Wasn’t there something he could do? David moaned. “Charles! Go upstairs and call nine-one-one,” said David’s mother. Of course. He shou...

Sweetie (2010) by Ellen Miles

Rascal (2006)

Mrs. Peterson said. “Susan?” she asked the woman. “What are you —”     “I can’t take it anymore,” said the woman. “We tried. We really did. But we just can’t deal with this dog.” She had to shout to be heard over the puppy’s barking.     At the same time, a...

Rascal (2006) by Ellen Miles

Maggie and Max (2007)

Sammy said his line and waited for Charles to say the next one. And waited. Charles was thinking. “Why do they say eight tiny reindeer?” he asked. “If they’re so tiny, how can they pull Santa’s sled? Maybe it’s because his sleigh is miniature — that means little, right? But how little can it be? ...

Maggie and Max (2007) by Ellen Miles

Bella (2011)

She smiled down at the paper on her desk. She was pleased with her new essay. And she’d finished it just in time: tomorrow was the day that everyone had to read their essays out loud in front of the whole class. “What’s it about?” Maria whispered from the desk next to hers. Maria was writing abou...

Bella (2011) by Ellen Miles

Princess (2008)

She mentioned a list?” Aunt Amanda shook her head. “That could mean trouble.” It was later that same day, back at the Petersons'. Princess had not arrived yet, but Charles’s aunt Amanda had stopped by to say hello on her way home from a long day at work, and Charles was telling her all about the ...

Princess (2008) by Ellen Miles

Noodle (2008)

Lizzie could hardly stand to miss one minute with Noodle. Before she left, she kissed and hugged him so much that Buddy got jealous and came over to put his paws up on her knee. He wanted attention, too. “Of course I’ll kiss you, too, Buddy,” Lizzie said, kneeling down. “I’ll always love you best...

Noodle (2008) by Ellen Miles

Bear (2009)

Fern sat down on a hay bale and pulled Bear onto her lap. “Okay.” Lizzie sat down next to her. “The truth is that Bruce told the Harris sisters that Bear was lazy and unmotivated. That’s why he gave him up.” Fern nodded. “Bruce can’t afford to keep a dog that doesn’t pull, any more than we can.” ...

Bear (2009) by Ellen Miles

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