In this fifth volume of his Texas Rangers series, Elmer Kelton takes the young ranger Andy Pickard, once a Comanche captive called Badger Boy, into the midst of a bloody vendetta between hate-filled families. Pickard and ranger Farley Brackett, a former Confederate soldier, are assigned to delive...
This is Jericho's Road. Take the Other.When the young Texas Ranger Andy Pickard is assigned to the Texas-Mexico border he learns the meaning of this ominous notice on the edge of a great tract of ranch land above the Rio Grande. It is Jericho Jackson's country and Jackson is at war with a similar...
On the Texas frontier in the 1840s, a red-haired child whose family has been massacred is captured by a Comanche war party led by a great warrior named Buffalo Caller. The boy is rescued by Mike Shannon, a Mexican War veteran riding with a "ranging company" of Texans dedicated to protecting settl...
The Texas Frontier, 1865 The Civil War is over and Texas is reluctantly yielding to the Union soldiers spreading across the state, even into the dangerous Comanche country. David "Rusty" Shannon, proud member of a "ranging company" attempting to protect Texas settlers from Indian depredations, fi...
The Civil War has ended, and Union soldiers and federal officials have taken control of Texas as Rusty Shannon rides to his home on the Colorado River. As a child he was a captive of the Comanche, as a young man a proud member of a ranging company protecting settlers from Indian raids. Shannon's ...
Tom stepped out onto the opening between the two sections of the log cabin and shaded his eyes with his big hand. “Git down,” he shouted. “Git down and come in.” Alice looked a little apprehensive. She had gotten to know the Blessings when the Monahan family stayed at Rusty’s farm during part of ...
It was the horse Farley Brackett had been riding. Andy and Shanty met him at the corral. Rusty seemed puzzled. "Found him down by the river. You-all know anything about him?" Andy saw that Shanty was waiting for him to give the answer. He said, "Farley Brackett came by awhile ago in a hurry to ma...
He turned in the seat. "Grit your teeth, Andy Pickard. We'll be home after a while." Jaw clenched, the boy stared up at the sky and made not a whimper. The Comanches had taught him stoicism. Rusty wondered what else they had taught him. Because so many men had sent their families to Tom Blessing'...
The horse’s every step hurt him. They rode back down the road they had come on for what Andy thought must have been two or three miles. He saw lamplight in a window. “Farmhouse,” he said. “Maybe they’ll help us.” Farley’s voice choked with pain. “If they ain’t Hoppers.” “Even if they are, maybe t...
Sergeant Donahue’s attitude toward him seemed no better than before. He realized he would not have been retained had Donahue not been too shorthanded to patrol the river properly. He sent Andy the farthest of all the Rangers, way upriver from the base camp. Given a pack mule to carry supplies, he...
Their pursuit had become something of a game—parry and thrust, feint and retreat—in an effort to draw warriors into a trap. After a couple of these episodes resulted in a few casualties, the Comanches had become slow about rising to the bait. Buffalo Caller saw no reason such a superior force sho...