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Emma Barry books

Emma Barry
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Read Books by Emma Barry


Special Interests (2014)

Parker steered her down the street, keeping her hand as they walked.     “It’s not far,” he said.     “You still haven’t told me where we’re going.”     For a while he didn’t answer, but it wasn’t like she could complain. After a long an...

Special Interests (2014) by Emma Barry

Private Politics (The Easy Part)

Late the night before, Liam hadn’t been able to sleep. The residual fear and energy from the almost-meltdown with Alyse followed by the incredible sex, perhaps. Whatever the reason, he had published the Ryan Scott story.     When his phone had woken him hours later, it had bee...

Private Politics (The Easy Part) by Emma Barry

Party Lines (2014)

No, the worst day on record was the day of the third debate, in which Randall had given a lackluster performance, Lydia had crushed him and the election had been lost by the re-emergence of the Sherry Boyd story. Michael would put money on the fact that day was going to make the top ten worst day...

Party Lines (2014) by Emma Barry

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