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Erec Stebbins books

Erec Stebbins
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Read Books by Erec Stebbins


The Ragnarok Conspiracy (2013)

The secretary had told him the general had been on a very important conference call. Russell had no doubt of it, but the waiting was agonizing. He had known Lieutenant General Fred Marshall for twenty years. The general had become nearly a father figure to him, part of the community that had watc...

The Ragnarok Conspiracy (2013) by Erec Stebbins

Daughter of Time 1: Reader

Like some luminescent highway in my mind, composed of a thousand different threads of time from possible futures woven together, it dominated my visions. In my present, I helped lay each new thread, and knew those that must be stitched in the near future. It all was within what I could do. Only b...

Daughter of Time 1: Reader by Erec Stebbins

An Armageddon Duology

M120039E-007X CONTINUED DEPOSITION OF: John Savas CBD: And so the computer records led you to the warehouse on Long Island?     MR. SAVAS: No. The hard drives melted down.     CBD: I’m sorry?     MR. SAVAS: Well, not literally. But all t...

An Armageddon Duology by Erec Stebbins

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