I’ve asked Rylan to keep Julia away because she won’t move. She’s still curled in the same ball, from that moment she cracked. Only now, she lies on her side with her cheek pressed to the floor and worrying her thumbnail. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve never felt guiltier in my entire life...
It started with a delivery of roses and fresh baked pastries at my door. Cal thought of something I’d really want, something money couldn’t buy. He took us out to dinner and he surprised us. Georgia and Caleb were there! All of my children sat together for a family meal. You were missing, and I n...
He's hovering at the threshold of our bedroom door and rubbing a towel into his damp sun streaked hair. He's wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and staring at me. I think he's waiting for something. “Um, sorry, what?” “You're by the window again,” he says. “And your point is?” W...