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Erin Downing books

Erin Downing
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Read Books by Erin Downing


Juicy Gossip (2009)

What i've learned from this book is that the main character is slik.her name is Jenna Thompson and she is a normal seventh grader and her schools newspaper editor.but she and her friend Keisha just found out that the school district will have to shut down some of there curriclar activities. so Je...

Juicy Gossip (2009) by Erin Downing

Kiss It (2010)

this book definitely got my interest. aha, it was so cute, sometimes graphic, but it made me laugh alot. It's so sweet how Erin described first true love. Honestly, i was so thrilled for her. I was dissapointed that they didn't stay together, i was a perfect fairy tale ending! But i gues...

Kiss It (2010) by Erin Downing

Cheating on Myself

Heather tugged at her swimsuit, and one of her breasts got stuck in the fabric. She’d had a mastectomy on her left side, so that half of the bathing suit always slipped on easily, leaving the right breast behind. She told me once she forgot there was still a boob there. How could you forget about...

Cheating on Myself by Erin Downing

Best Friends (Until Someone Better Comes Along)

Each morning I ate my yogurt and granola on the wooden couch, enjoying a few minutes alone while my parents went out for a walk. It was one of the only times of the day when my mom left the cabin—she always made excuses about staying out of the sun in the middle of the day, and at night she only ...

Best Friends (Until Someone Better Comes Along) by Erin Downing

None of the Regular Rules

Johnny asked after we’d all piled in the car a few minutes later. I’d quickly gone to the bathroom and changed into a pair of jeans and a soft sweater while I was inside. I didn’t change because of Johnny, I told myself. Rather, I slipped on something that would be much more comfortable than my D...

None of the Regular Rules by Erin Downing

Drive Me Crazy

A storm had blown through Love the night before, washing out the evening bonfire at the resort. Kate had been stuck inside her cabin playing Yahtzee with her sister all night. Lucas and his family had gone to a friend’s cabin across the lake for dinner, and the storm had forced them to stay shelt...

Drive Me Crazy by Erin Downing

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