Three sisters in the time preceding and during World War I in Germany find common ground in their disdain for their mother and love of their brother. In a parallel story in the present day, three half-sisters in England find common ground in their love for and frustration with their father, among...
Superb imagination and control, that's what the author exhibited in this novel. From the book's cover I learned that this had been made into a film with Kate Winslet (of the Titanic) in the lead role. I haven't seen it yet, but I think Ms. Winslet indeed fits the role of the young, hippie mother ... only other title I have read by this author is Hideous Kinky and I have to admit I enjoyed it more than this one. I found it took me a long time to get into the story and appreciate how the two time periods linked together.Lily is a young woman studyi...
En commençant ce livre, j’ai eu le sentiment qu’il s’agissait d’un roman à l’eau de rose, dans lequel je retrouverais le schéma amoureux traditionnel, appliqué à une ambiance estivale et adolescente (avec un peu d’inceste pour pimenter l’ensemble, d’après ce que j’avais compris de la quatrième de...
If you have wax, then you can stamp it shut with your own seal. Runnicles melted a stick of dark-red sealing wax right there in the classroom, turning the air bitter, letting the slippery melt of it drip across the fold. While the wax was still warm he took from his pocket a small brass stamp and...
Mary Peacock. Stabbed and killed husband. Australia on a convict ship. Set up own refuge for women. ‘I should warn you,’ Nell’s new agent added, ‘they’re seeing everyone, the world and his wife, or should I say husband?’ He coughed, embarrassed. ‘The thing is, they don’t know what they’re looking...