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Eve Berlin books

Eve Berlin
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Books: 8 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.85

Read Books by Eve Berlin


Pleasure's Edge (2010)

Quando si dice tanto fumo…Lui entra in scena su una Ducati nera e cromo, giubbotto di pelle nera, corporatura massiccia, avvolto in un’aurea di puro potere, modi perfetti, movimenti eleganti e occhi penetranti di un azzurro brillante. Insomma, uno spot pubblicitario e la fiera del già visto.Lei, ...

Pleasure's Edge (2010) by Eve Berlin

El límite del placer (2010)

Dějová stránka- potkali se, vyspali se, zamilovali se- za nic nestála. Konec jakýsi uspěchaný, očekávala jsem a vůbec by mi nevadil ještě alespoň rozhovor Aleca s Dantem podobný tomu poslednímu rozhovoru mezi Mischou a Dylan. A to nemluvím o slohu, který mi, nevím vůbec proč, nesedl.Za první doje...

El límite del placer (2010) by Eve Berlin

De Olhos Fechados (2010)

Okey, musím přiznat, že Hrany rozkoše mě docela dostaly. Nic moc jsem od toho neočekávala, jelikož mi připadá, že všechny erotické romány jsou pořád jen o jednom a tom samém. Urostlý, dechberoucí dominant si najde nějakou nezkušenou subinku a pak ji přetváří k obrazu svému. Potěšilo mě, že tady n...

De Olhos  Fechados (2010) by Eve Berlin

Ai confini del piacere (2010)

Buffff..... Desde que salió 50 este tipo de libros han proliferado como las setas, y me parece genial, porque la verdad es que me gustan, lo malo es que las autoras están intentando meter el concepto BDSM en una historia romántica para aprovechar el boom. Este libro es bueno, Alec es duro, sexy y...

Ai confini del piacere (2010) by Eve Berlin

El límite de la tentación (2012)

I'd prefer to give this book 3 1/2 stars. I have mixed feelings about this story. Some of the sexy scenes were really hot. But I felt detached emotionally from both characters and by the time I neared the end of the story, I just couldn't stand to read the last 5 pages because I was unhappy wi...

El límite de la tentación (2012) by Eve Berlin

Tentação (2012)

Out of the three in the series so far this one had the most intense naughty scenes - which I loved...what I didn't love was it was the exact same formula as the first two with yet again another crappy parent/childhood I can't allow myself to fall in love s/l...even a lot of the same dialogue used...

Tentação (2012) by Eve Berlin

Temptation's Edge (2012)

Eve Berlin, the pseudonym of author Eden Bradley, writes incendiary, dark, tormented BDSM erotic romance. What is so terrific about her books is that no matter how far she may take her characters, she creates such wonderful psychological underpinning that you never doubt their motivations, their ...

Temptation's Edge (2012) by Eve Berlin

Desire's Edge

They’d slept for a while. It was early afternoon now. And he was starving. “Kara.” She didn’t stir. He watched her sleep, as he’d done earlier. Why was he so fascinated with this woman? She was gorgeous. He loved her lean, toned body, her endlessly long legs. The flawless curve of her ass. Her pa...

Desire's Edge by Eve Berlin

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