Pray give them my best love. For my part, I am enjoying both the scenery and the climate here, and the cough which was troubling me in England appears to have departed, for which I am thankful. I take pleasure also in the company of those who are with me, in particular tha...
Lady Berinthia sat on the window-seat in Saccharissa’s drawing-room one warm afternoon, trying not to think about the future. There was a book in her hands, and on a daybed behind her the Marchioness was dozing with her mouth open. The room smelt of peonies and beeswax, and the lowered blinds glo...
Alice took it round to her herself one evening. Finola, who got on well with all the Woods, came with her. The Woods now lived in Chelsea. Alice intended to walk there, but Finola soon said that she was tired, and that she wanted to take a taxi. ‘Mo...
Last night she had dreaded going home for many complicated reasons, to do with whether she could ever live apart from Gerard, away from Combe Chalcot; now she dreaded it only because Carlotta had rung to say that the old labrador Amelia was very ill indeed. Finola did not want to see her, and to ...
She ceased to be a very young girl, and became more independent; though, since her jilting of Fitzclare, people had tended to treat her as a wayward and troublesome child who might have yet more dangerous qualities growing inside her. Some mothers of fresh debutantes went so far as to advise thei...