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Francisco Jiménez books

Francisco Jiménez
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Read Books by Francisco Jiménez


The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child (1997)

“The Circuit-stories from the life of a migrant child” is a magnificent book that describes the difficult childhood of an innocent kid. The story came from a family that moved from Mexico to United States. Two parents and three brothers compose the beginning of the book. Francisco Jimenez, the se...

The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child (1997) by Francisco Jiménez

Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child

I am indebted to my family whose lives are represented in this book. These stories are their stories as well as mine. These are also the stories of many migrant children of yesterday and today. I thank them all and ask their forgiveness for taking the liberty to write about them, knowing full wel...

Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child by Francisco Jiménez

Breaking Through

Now that Papá felt better, he started working for Ito again. I did too. I took the bus home after school and joined Papá picking strawberries. I got paid for picking, but not for helping my brother clean Main Street School. I missed being with Roberto. While I worked, I daydreamed about going to ...

Breaking Through by Francisco Jiménez

Reaching Out

From the time my family and I crossed the United States-Mexican border, crawling underneath the barbed-wire fence that separated the two countries, our father warned us that we had to hide from la migra, the border patrol guards dressed in green uniforms. "If they catch you, you'll be deported ba...

Reaching Out by Francisco Jiménez

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