I find it interesting to read about how other atheists view spirituality. Schaeffer is gentle in his atheism, unlike Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchins or Daniel Dennett (etc) and the New Atheism they embrace. I don't care for the New Atheism because of its stripping down of the numinous. Sc...
in a minor way, its appreciation of art in a major way, its ability to give answers to Big Questions, its penchant for connecting the dots of popular culture and explaining the failures of modernism and the triumph of the gospel. Dad was holding forth on issues such as the hippie movement’s inabi...
The grounds covered 294 acres of fields, woods, ponds, a small river, playing fields, and lawns set in gently hilly landscape, midway between London and Brighton, about an hour train ride from each. You passed the school’s small farm while on your way up the drive. Next to the farm—it consisted o...