This book is well worth reading. The unification of Germany allowed access to many records that were previously unavailable to western historians as well as to many survivors. This is as an objective and balanced history of the bombing of Dresden as you're going to find. The author takes great pa...
At its best this book is entertaining. At its worst it is over extended, sloppy and a rag-bag of whatever the author felt was interesting with no consistent focus.With 449 pages of text about half actually deals with the Berlin Wall and then only about a six or seven-year period around the wall'...
Their names are listed at the back of this book.I am also especially grateful to Steven Simon and Virginia Liberatore, who extended generous hospitality to my wife and me during our working visit to Washington DC. Dr Helmut Schnatz and Frau Ursula Schnatz were extraordinarily kind and attentive h...
Hilferding’s jest that the best financial policy was a good foreign policy had been even more pointed than it seemed. Two months after gaining office, Stresemann found himself in a distinctly improving international situation. On 12 October, the British decided to take up the ten-month-old offer ...
News was trickling out about the new Communist challenge in Berlin, even though, in the untidy way of information-gathering, few people, even on the spot, were sure exactly what that challenge consisted of.A little later that same Saturday night, John C. Ausland, duty officer for the Berlin Task ...