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Gary Gygax books

Gary Gygax
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Read Books by Gary Gygax


Saga of Old City (1986)

I'd always wanted to read Gary Gygax's fiction as a D&D-devoted teenager, but I'd never heard anything good about it and it wasn't carried in any local libraries, so I wasn't about to lay down any cash on a bookstore special order. And, in retrospect, I wasn't missing much. Whatever else one sa...

Saga of Old City (1986) by Gary Gygax

Artifact of Evil (1986) some, a cherished others, a target of domination.When the Artifact of Evil is unearthed from its ancient hiding place, it becomes the object of a battle between the forces of good and evil. At stake is the fate of the entire world of Oerth--and the lives of those who would ...

Artifact of Evil (1986) by Gary Gygax

City of Hawks (1987)

The young adventurer named Gord has stirred the imaginations of thousands of readers with his exploits. City of Hawks takes you to an early time; it is the action-filled tale of how Gord the waif grows into Gord the man. Unknown to him, the skinny boy who struggles to stay alive in the slums is d...

City of Hawks (1987) by Gary Gygax

Night Arrant (1987)

In a world fraught with sorcery and skulduggery, every day can bring a new experience - some of them humorous, some utterly horrifying. So it is with Gord, a young adventurer who not only attracts excitement but thrives on it. Night Arrant is a collection of nine short stories spotlighting the c...

Night Arrant (1987) by Gary Gygax

Sea of Death (1987)

There are two prequels to the "Gord the Rogue" series: Saga of Old City and Artifact of Evil

Sea of Death (1987) by Gary Gygax

Come Endless Darkness (1988)

Science fiction.

Come Endless Darkness (1988) by Gary Gygax

The Samarkand Solution (1993)

The governor is dead! While vacationing in the treacherous city of On, Magister Setne Inhetep—personal wizard-priest to the Pharaoh and part-time detective—stumbles upon a scene of murder by magic at the highest levels of government. With suspects ranging from the high priest of Set to a consorti...

The Samarkand Solution (1993) by Gary Gygax

Death in Delhi (2009)

A giant ruby and a plea to rescue the purloined crown jewels of Delhi arrives at the villa of Magister Setne Inhetep, philosopher-wizard of the Pharaoh of Aegypt! Sensing a seemingly unsolvable mystery, Inhetep and his amazon assistant Rachelle venture to the distant capital city, where they beco...

Death in Delhi (2009) by Gary Gygax

The Anubis Murders (2007)

Gary Gygax, father of fantasy roleplaying and the co-creator of the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, weaves a fantastic tale of warring wizards that spans the world from the pyramids of ancient Egypt to the mist-shrouded towns of medieval England. Someone is murdering the world's most powerfu...

The Anubis Murders (2007) by Gary Gygax

Saga of the Old City

Gord interjected with sarcasm. “But let’s cut the crap about what that bear should or will do and get on to the opening of this blasted barrow! We’ll be here at midnight if you two don’t stop jawing at each other and lend me a hand!”     Gord was attempting to pull the huge sl...

Saga of the Old City by Gary Gygax

Gary Gygax - Dangerous Journeys 1 - Anubis Murders

"Only a pair of fools like us would put up with this duty," the second man agreed, drawing his heavy cloak of maroon-and-blue wool closer. The air was cold and damp, the cloth was heavy with salt spray, and the act was more for comfort than effect. "We should have joined one of the free companies...

Gary Gygax - Dangerous Journeys 1 - Anubis Murders by Gary Gygax

Gary Gygax - Dangerous Journeys 3 - Death in Delhi

The majordomo prostrated himself. Hissing to his charges to do likewise, he instructed them to crawl the length of the runner to a place before the throne where the maharajah would tell them when they might arise. Ignoring those whispers, Magister Inhetep gave a full bow, with the courtly flouris...

Gary Gygax - Dangerous Journeys 3 - Death in Delhi by Gary Gygax

Dance of Demons

"It is by telepathy we speak." Before there was time for further exchange, the fiery objects suddenly ceased their onrush and in a twinkling were transformed into something else. "Devas?" Gellor thought to his friends, the uncertainty clear.     "No, Man" The stern reply came ...

Dance of Demons by Gary Gygax

Gary Gygax - Dangerous Journeys 2 - Samarkand Solution

Magister Setne Inhetep swiped the offending droplet away, then replaced his soggy handkerchief inside the fold of his tunic. "Boy! Another tea here," Inhetep called irritably, muttering under his breath, "Damned lazy Yar-bans." The waiter came to the little table, slowly gathered up the remains o...

Gary Gygax - Dangerous Journeys 2 - Samarkand Solution by Gary Gygax

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