Gritty hard-boiled mystery. Set in 1972, Derek Strange is a private investigator. He formerly was a DC cop and uses his connections to the force to help solve the case of a missing ring which is entwined with the murderous rampage of criminal Red Fury. The ring is a Macguffin in the story; the tr...
In the bygone age of 1985, detective TC Cooke, with young cops Gus Ramone and Dan Holiday in tow, tried to save a string of murders dubbed the Palindrome Killer, aka the Night Gardener, and failed. Twenty years later, a murder with the same telltale characteristics occurs. Has the killer resurf...
This is the fourth book in the DC Quartet by George Pelecanos. This limited first edition of Shame the Devil was published in November 1999 by Dennis McMillan Publications in Tucson, dust jacket and interior artwork by Joe Servello. This is a printer specializing in limited first editions. I go...
This is the second installment in George Pelecanos's trilogy featuring Nick Stefanos, who lives in Washington, D.C. When last seen in A Firing Offense, Nick had left his job at Nutty Nathan's electronic store and had gotten his license as a P.I. Clients are few and far between, though, and so Nic...
I am reading some of the early George Pelecanos having read most of his more recent work. It is interesting to see his progression as a writer. Shoedog was published in 1994 behind A Firing Offense A Five Star Title and Nick’s Trip by George Pelecanos. I usually like to work in a Pelecanos novel ...
Revised playlistsThe playlists, as named below, are available on Spotify.Stay tuned if you need guidance.I've read about ten of George Pelecanos's novels. I've never picked up another book once I've started one of his, till I'm finished.George Pelecanos, 2013One of the best Pelecanos stories. Thi...
I ended up reading this entire book without realizing it was the third of a trilogy! I’m actually kind of upset that I did that, but I think it’s really awesome how Pelecanos made the book understandable to people like me who came across it and hadn’t read the first two. (In my defense, the resea...
As advertising director of Nutty Nathan's, Nick Stefanos knows all the tricks of the electronics business. Blow-out sales and shady deals are his life. When a stockroom boy hooked on speed metal and the fast life disappears, Nick has to help find him.
George Pelecanos has his fingerprints all over this book. He has written 16 books and Right As Rain is the ninth. In this book Derek Strange and Terry Quinn are introduced for what turns out to be a three book series. He published his first novel in 1992; Right As Rain was published in 2001. As y...
Misschien wel de rock-’n-rollste van de Amerikaanse misdaadbrigade. Sinds begin jaren negentig is Pelecanos aan een opmars bezig die niet te stuiten valt. Hoewel zijn oeuvre uiteenvalt in verschillende reeksen, de boeken zich afspelen in verschillende tijdperken (wel allemaal naoorlogs) en de nad...
Drama City by George Pelecanos is an absorbing crime novel because it focuses more on intricacies of character than it does on crime itself. Beyond that, it shines a bright light on two protagonists who are in the struggling phase of crime-blemished life where, from the beginning, one senses they...
If you want a crime thriller with a fast plot, lots of action and suspense, then this is not the novel for you. I rated it 3 for those reasons.But before you read my review, I would encourage you to read reviews by others who consider this book excellent... many more people seem to like this book...
This is a novel of twos-- two brothers, two "houses", a woman severed in two pieces. They are the Spellacy brothers, Tommy the cop, Desmond the priest. The "houses" are the LAPD and the Catholic Church. The butchered woman is Lois Fazenda, lowlife, hooker, vagrant. Never a character in the bo...
Brand new stories by: George Pelecanos, James Grady, Kenji Jasper, Jim Beane, Jabari Asim, Ruben Castaneda, James Patton, Norman Kelley, Jennifer Howard, Richard Currey, Lester Irby, and others. Mystery sensation Pelecanos pens the lead story and edits this groundbreaking collection of stories d...
First published in 1995, this is the third and final installment of George Pelecanos's series featuring Nick Stefanos. In the opening book,A Firing Offense, Nick left his job at Nutty Nathan's electronics store and got his license as a P.I. But as this book opens, Nick, who has a major drinking p...
On the wood before him was a glass of draft beer that he had been nursing for some time. He was reading a newspaper and waiting on his ride.Baker went through the Washington Post front to back. He did this daily. Though he had opened neither books nor newspapers in his youth, he had picked up the...
Moreno swallowed the last of his Skol pilsner to wash down the food in his mouth. He laid his fork across the segmented plastic plate in front of him on a fold-down tray. “Yes?” he said, taking her in fully for the first time. She was attractive, though one had to look for...