I fell into step behind him and explained the problem of the picture. His first reaction was open and hearty laughter. ‘Well, the old scoundrel. I do believe it’s the best thing I’ve ever heard about Uncle Olly’ ‘You can hardly expect us to see the joke.’ ‘I suppose not, but you must admit it’s r...
I needed the ten pounds I keep tucked away for emergencies, the hem of the second-hand skirt had come adrift and there was more travelling to do. The streets of Hampstead had a Sunday slack-tide feel, with most people gone to take the air on the Heath or dozing indoors, and only a few children pl...
The train went on its way down to the coalmines and the coast and left us standing on the platform while Nathan and an old porter organised our pile of luggage. There seemed a lot of it for seven people intent on living simply. As well as the knapsacks and cases of books I counted at least three ...