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Glenn Dakin books

Glenn Dakin
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Read Books by Glenn Dakin


Candleman (2011)

Theo Saint has been kept away from the public for his entire life. He drinks hot water, eats millet and greens, and is thin and pale and must ALWAYS wear gloves. The night two burglars break into Empire Hall is the night Theo discovers he has a terrible power: one touch of his bare hands makes ...

Candleman (2011) by Glenn Dakin

The Society of Unrelenting Vigilance (2009)

Theo has been raised in isolation. His illness has required him to wear gloves constantly and undergo daily medical treatment, and only three people are ever around. But one day, he finds a mysterious gift that draws him to a world outside the only home he's ever known. It is there he comes face ...

The Society of Unrelenting Vigilance (2009) by Glenn Dakin

The Society of Dread (2011)

A fresh uniform concealed the colonel’s scarred and bandaged body, but a single slash was clearly visible across the bridge of his nose, and a shadow of fear touched his once-arrogant eyes. He found his leader studying the great network map by a single desk lamp. ‘Yes?’ ‘You have studied my repor...

The Society of Dread (2011) by Glenn Dakin

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