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Good, Melissa books

Good, Melissa
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Read Books by Good, Melissa


Stormy Waters: Book 10 in The Dar & Kerry Series

This one was just as threadbare and full of rusty bolts as the other one, but he felt much more affectionate toward it in any case, and gave the side a pat as he walked inside. The hold was full of boxes, as the last one had been. He noticed one difference, however. On one side of the storage are...

Stormy Waters: Book 10 in The Dar & Kerry Series by Good, Melissa

Eye Of The Storm - DK3

The tall woman looked back from her worktable where she studied a new set of bandwidth reports. “Yes?” she called out, knowing the intercom would pick her voice up. “Mr. Ankow is here.”     Yippee. “Thank you. Show him in, please.” Dar allowed her voice to ooze with mock charm...

Eye Of The Storm - DK3 by Good, Melissa

Terrors of the High Seas - DK6

She’d showered and slipped into a pair of neatly pressed khaki shorts with a pristine, white T-shirt tucked into them. The fabric made a nice contrast with her tan, and she smiled back at the face in the mirror as she pulled out her chain and let the ring threaded on it rest against the hollow of...

Terrors of the High Seas - DK6 by Good, Melissa

Hurricane Watch - DK2

Even Skippy left her perky manner at the camp and joined in, munching her burger in silence, and trying to avoid the baleful stares from the three riders suffering most. Steven had remained quiet after he’d woken up, nursing his grievances in moody silence and scratching ceaselessly. Most of his ...

Hurricane Watch - DK2 by Good, Melissa

Thicker Than Water - DK5

KERRY SLID down into the hot tub and cradled her neck on its edge. “Thank God that’s over.” Dar had her eyes closed. “Yeah.” She squirmed around, taking advantage of the heavy jets of water. “Thank God it turned out to be a firmware glitch, not a stolen file. Even if it took us most of the night ...

Thicker Than Water - DK5 by Good, Melissa

Tropical Storm - DK1

It was eight AM, and they were due to start shortly, but the company always felt that it needed to make sure its volunteers weren’t starving to death beforehand. Kerry looked around her at the dull concrete building and the crowd of T-shirted workers milling about, munching on bananas and bagels ...

Tropical Storm - DK1 by Good, Melissa

Red Sky At Morning - DK4

So, this is where Dar and Kerry work. Her eyes traveled up and up and up to see the top of the atrium skylight, then back down across the marble and steel walls to the pretentious fountain in the very center of the space. Somehow, she resisted the urge to yodel. The temptation to hear the echoes ...

Red Sky At Morning - DK4 by Good, Melissa

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